Are we there yet?
2 weeks ago
Reflections on the issues facing a contemporary ministry in an urban small-membership church that is socially conscious as well as salvation cognizant.
Parenting in the 21st century is a complex issue, indicating the need to adapt or for creativity in providing safety, care, and discipline to ensure emotionally healthy children.
The days of saying children should be "seen and not heard" should be replaced by a new refrain that states "Children are Important" and raising them requires a plan and not leaving their future to chance.
The first task of the village or extended family is to provide a place of learning, love, wisdom, understanding, and comfort. When peace and harmony are added, that is home.
1. He was blunt and direct in articulating past and present failures rather than becoming an enabler or co-dependent by making excuses for dysfunctional behavior or covering for or minimizing embarassing failures.
2. Yet, he did not allow articulation of failure to become a permanent mantra which would have destroyed the future of our youth, relegating them to a prison of hopelessness so that their lives would have become a self-fulfilling prophecy of the put-downs.
3. Obama exposed his own obstacles and humble life experiences to allow his victory to trumpet the message that "the future ain't like it's always been" and no longer do we have to continue hurting ourselves by internalizing the pain of rejection.
4. Believed in us. The President-elect assumed that concealed somewhere in our tattered existence, was something glorious and very noble and made his appeal to the dignity and the best within us. Obama's certainty that we are still great human beings, more than anything else, separated him from the other candidate, draws the best from within us, and makes the difference in changing our attitudes and behaviors because it restores the hope that unlimited possibilities are now attainable.
a. Fulfill his campaign commitment to ensure that every child has health coverage.
b. Ensure that any legislation enacted meets the following criteria:
- Ensures every child and pregnant woman has access to affordable health coverage and health services.
- Guarantees all children and pregnant women comprehensive benefits, which must include all medically necessary services.
- Simplifies the application and enrollment process to make it easy for all children to get covered and stay covered.
- Resists the temptation to go for a quick fix that falls far short of covering all children.
Learn how to begin and where & how to strike first.
A blow struck with precision, directed at the right time and in the right place will have 10 times the effect of flailing aimlessly in the dark.
Being effective from the start may save a lifetime trying to play catch up, fighting an uphill battle, and fizzling out trying to come from behind.
If not for the overwhelming support of unmarried women, John McCain would have won the women's vote and with it, the White House..
"I will listen to you... I will ask you to join in the remaking of this nation... Block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand." "A new dawn of American leadership is at hand."